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Common Questions

If you couldn't find the information you were looking for, or if you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to our team. We're here to help!

How much does the average kitchen cost to refinish?

$2500 on up depending on number of doors, drawers, size of kitchen and condition

How do I get a quote?

Head to our contact page and fill out our form. It will notify us. From there we can typically provide a quote virtually with just a few pictures.

How long does a quote take?

24-48 hours once all of the information is collected

How long does it take to complete the job?

The average kitchen (20-25 cabinets) takes 3-4 days to complete

Do you specialize in cabinets or do other things?

We are experts in the area of cabinets. It's important to hire a company that knows what they are doing and does not skip a step. This determines the finished product and durability. We also do custom walls, doors, trim, etc. Explore for more info.

How long will the paint last?

10+ years

Do you provide new hardware?

We replace hardware or do the labor for new hardware holes but the customer provides/purchases it

How do you know whether to hand paint or spray cabinets?

Depends on the material we start with (how much grain, oak or cherry wood, smooth surface or not, etc.)

Do you come to our house before hand?

Yes, we schedule an in person walk through 30-45 days prior to your paint project. We go over details, answer questions, collect the color swatch and deposit

Is there a deposit?

Yes, we require a non refundable deposit and accept cash, check or debit/credit card. We communicate the quote (less than half of the total cost) in the quote.

Do we pick the color?

You pick the color from any brand and we match it.

What kind of paint do you use?

Rodda Unique 2 paint. It is very durable and made for interior/exterior

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